The central interest of this research program investigates the evolution of physiological systems, specifically the metabolism and physiology related to animal energetics during locomotion. Using an integrative approach, the research incorporates evolutionary perspectives in the investigation of animal energetics, combining studies of whole-animal performance with their physiology and biochemistry. Flying insects are used as main models as this mode of locomotion is energetically very expensive and a wide range of energetic strategies are employed by these animals.

Selected publications:
  • Skandalis, D.A. and Darveau, C.-A.. Morphological and physiological idiosyncrasies lead to interindividual variation in metabolic rate in worker bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 85: 657-670, 2012
  • Darveau, C.-A., Taylor, E.B. and Schulte, P.M.. Thermal physiology of warm spring colonists: variation among lake chub (Cyprinidae: Couesius plumbeus) populations. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 85: 607-617, 2012
  • Skandalis, D.A., Roy, C. and Darveau C.-A. Behavioural, morphological, and metabolic maturation of newly emerged adult workers of the bumblebee. Bombus impatiens. J. Insect Physiol. 57: 704-711, 2011
  • Darveau, C.-A., P.W. Hochachka, D.W. Roubik, and R.K. Suarez. Allometric scaling of flight energetics in orchid bees: Evolution of flux capacities and flux rates. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 3593-3602., 2005
  • Darveau, C.-A., P.W. Hochachka, D.W. Roubik, K. Welch, and R.K. Suarez, R.K.. Allometric scaling of flight energetics in panamanian orchid bees: A comparative phylogenetic approach. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 3581-3591., 2005